A video and in-lobby activation, created to promote Baruch College’s new Digital Marketing Major.
You can see the Print Ad I developed for this contest here.
Work Type: Undergrad Assignment
During my time at Baruch College, the school introduced a new major to the Marketing department—Digital Marketing. To help spread awareness and incentivize new students to enroll, the department head partnered with a contact at IPG to fund and set up a viral video contest. Prizes were awarded in the form of gift cards and coveted Apple devices, and all entrants were invited to a roundtable discussion with people working in the digital marketing/advertising industry (helpful for students entering the workforce!).
I designed a print ad to help promote the contest, but I also entered the contest myself. My idea was to some form of in-person activation, as it’d get a lot more eyeballs on it than trying to push through social media. I ultimately settled on putting a sign in the school’s cafeteria window—it’s a highly visible space, which you’re forced to see as you enter the building—and filming the process and reactions.
Below’s a mockup of what we wanted to create. Given our limited time and resources, it was a mosaic of multiple smaller pieces of paper.
Fun fact—I composed and performed the music track for the video. I use the word “composed” lightly, since it’s just me playing the same sequence of chords for 60 seconds…but it’s mine all the same!